How to Build a Smart Chatbot Assistant with ChatEngine, React and IBM Watson Assistant | PubNub

How to build an intelligent chatbot assistant, using PubNub ChatEngine and IBM Watson Assistant, that is fully-customizable and can answer questions. Source: How to Build a Smart Chatbot Assistant with ChatEngine, React and IBM Watson Assistant | PubNub

How JavaScript works: Deep dive into WebSockets and HTTP/2 with SSE + how to pick the right path

This is post # 5 of the series dedicated to exploring JavaScript and its building components. In the process of identifying and describing… Source: How JavaScript works: Deep dive into WebSockets and HTTP/2 with SSE + how to pick the right path

Android: Log or Toast the selected Item in an ListView

in case you have the need to log.i the selected item of an listview this snippet could help:   [java] listView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int i, long l) { CheckedTextView checkedTextView = (CheckedTextView) view; String itemClicked = (String) listView.getAdapter().getItem(i); if (checkedTextView.isChecked()) { Log.i("Info :", itemClicked + " is checked");