Java: Remove brackets / leading slashes from String

My Android-app have always presented the DNS-Server(s) with brackets / leading slashes like: How can we get rid of these unnecessary characters ? String myIp2Dns1: Log: Solution: Manipulation of String myIp2Dns1: This command removes brackets / slashes / backslashes from the String. The output looks much better now:

daily compression of InfluxDB

InfluxDB is an open source time series database built by InfluxData and used in e.g. Openhab for data persistance.For small computers like raspi’s it is a best practice to compress the database regurlarly. Why not using cron ? Well, it works.. the only (security)-drawback is to grant /bin/bash to the influx-user: cat /etc/cron.daily/00influx: cat /home/pi/