Getting Started with Wazuh: Setting Up Your Lab Environment for XDR and SIEM”

In today’s cybersecurity landscape, having a robust and flexible security information and event management (SIEM) system is crucial.
Wazuh, an open-source security platform, offers comprehensive solutions for threat detection, integrity monitoring, incident response, and compliance.

Wazuh has an interesting history. In 2015, the Wazuh team decided to fork OSSEC, an open-source host-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS), to expand its core functionalities with additional features, enhancements, and a user-friendly interface.
Wazuh has grown significantly since its inception. It is now a comprehensive, open-source security platform that provides unified XDR (Extended Detection and Response) and SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) capabilities. The platform is designed to monitor infrastructures, detect threats, respond to incidents, and ensure regulatory compliance.

This blog will guide you through setting up Wazuh in a lab environment, focusing on its basic capabilities in Extended Detection and Response (XDR) and SIEM.
Whether you’re a cybersecurity professional or an enthusiast, this step-by-step guide will help to get started with Wazuh to secure your systems effectively.
We start with the defaults to make the lab-setup not more complex as necessary.

My Lab-env is as follows:

Wazuh-Server10.50.100.76Ubuntu 24 LTS
Wazuh-Agent10.50.100.110RHEL 9
Wazuh-Agent10.50.100.111RHEL 9

Basic setup of Wazuh-Server

with root rights execute curl -sO && sudo bash ./ -a

Example output:

Please note the autogenerated User/Password to get later access to the Dashboard.

Linux: Basic setup of Wazuh-Agent

with root rights execute:

run the Agent installer ( = Wazuh-Server)

example output:

Start the Wazuh-Agent and check the status:

example output:

Windows: Basic setup of Wazuh-Agent

Download the Agent-Installer and execute the command with admin-rights:


Access the Dashboard

open a Browser and access:
Don’t be surprised that the connection is interested, we use the default certs.

We see the default Dashboard:

Wazuh is shipped with default rules.
In a productive environment the real work would start now:
Create/adapt rules that are suitable for the required purposes and environment.
We will start with fixing the first (easy) vulnerability finding.

Fix a chrony-finding/vulnerability

Lets pick an RHEL-Agent and check the details of the chrony-finding:

  1. Navigate to Configuration Assesment
  2. Select an Agent
  3. Agent ID 02 looks as a good candidate
  4. filter the findings for chrony
  5. click on the failed check
  6. read carefully the finding and check the settings on the Agent to get it fixed

get the chrony finding fixed

The crony process is not executed by user chrony, let’s get it fixed:

To force a new assessment a restart of the Wazuh-agent is necessary.

Go back to the Dashboard/finding-screen and check again the chrony-finding:

Chrony looks good now, just another 82 findings to fix

In one of the next sessions I will go into the details of Wazuh, it is a great product.

Openssl: show serial-# and issuer

openssl s_client -connect 2>&1|openssl x509 -noout -serial -issuer
issuer=C = US, O = Let's Encrypt, CN = Let's Encrypt Authority X3