ntopng , fritzbox (fritzdump.sh) and geolocation

The latest browsers have removed the Geolocation API from unsecured Origins. If you still want to use Geo-API tools with fritzdump.sh ntopng needs to run secure, based on ssl (TLS). ntopng has written a nice howto to use let’s encrypt-based certs. But what needs to be adjusted on the firtzdump.sh script ? if you want

Integration of Tradfri and Netatmo on Openhab2

Prerequisites: add Tradfri Binding add Netatmo Binding content of default.items: [html] Switch Wz_Lampe "Wohnzimmer Lampe" <light> { channel="tradfri:0220:gwdcefcabd0899:65566:brightness" } Number:Temperature Netatmo_Indoor_Temperature "Temperatur [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:2091c6dc:70ee5018ff12:Temperature" } Number:Dimensionless Netatmo_Indoor_Humidity "Luftfeuchtigkeit [%d %unit%]" <humidity> { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:2091c6dc:70ee5018ff12:Humidity" } Number Netatmo_Indoor_Humidex "Hitze-Index [%.0f]" <temperature_hot> { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:2091c6dc:70ee5018ff12:Humidex" } Number:Temperature Netatmo_Indoor_HeatIndex "Maximal-Temperatur [%.1f