Twelve steps to enable IPv6 in government and organizational networks | APNIC Blog

Guest Post: 12 fundamental steps to deploy IPv6 within governmental and organizational networks. Source: Twelve steps to enable IPv6 in government and organizational networks | APNIC Blog

Keep a remote X11 app running after disconnecting the Session

Xpra is the tool of choice 🙂 Install xpra on server and client like: [code language=”bash”] root@h2545526:~# apt install xpra . . xpra (2.1.3+dfsg-1ubuntu1) wird eingerichtet … [/code] start e.g. firefox on the server: [code language=”bash”] xpra start :100 –start-child=firefox [/code] now connect from remote through Ssh: [code language=”bash”] xpra attach ssh/user@serverFQDN/100 [/code] With xpra

Integration of Tradfri and Netatmo on Openhab2

Prerequisites: add Tradfri Binding add Netatmo Binding content of default.items: [html] Switch Wz_Lampe "Wohnzimmer Lampe" <light> { channel="tradfri:0220:gwdcefcabd0899:65566:brightness" } Number:Temperature Netatmo_Indoor_Temperature "Temperatur [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:2091c6dc:70ee5018ff12:Temperature" } Number:Dimensionless Netatmo_Indoor_Humidity "Luftfeuchtigkeit [%d %unit%]" <humidity> { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:2091c6dc:70ee5018ff12:Humidity" } Number Netatmo_Indoor_Humidex "Hitze-Index [%.0f]" <temperature_hot> { channel = "netatmo:NAMain:2091c6dc:70ee5018ff12:Humidex" } Number:Temperature Netatmo_Indoor_HeatIndex "Maximal-Temperatur [%.1f