On my Ubuntu-host I have my ethernet-interface connected to an mirror-port.
I want to remove the ipv4-protocol from this interface to avoid unnecessary traffic on this interface.

With root-rights execute “nmcli connection show –active”:

ugu5ma nmcli connection show --active
NAME             UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE          
Fleischele2      8877f4c8-b38d-4028-a71d-b237d8ff649e  wifi      wlp3s0          
br-5bece4d6fbd8  3a34eddc-2c98-4140-9b40-74bcd355cde4  bridge    br-5bece4d6fbd8 
docker0          8de484ba-00e4-4130-b629-0037e3b00015  bridge    docker0         
enp6s0           57bc44f6-5190-42b2-b17f-e928868a42c0  ethernet  enp6s0 

my ethernet-interface (enp6s0) has UUID 57bc44f6-5190-42b2-b17f-e928868a42c0.

Let’s remove ipv4 :

ugu5ma nmcli connection modify 57bc44f6-5190-42b2-b17f-e928868a42c0 ipv4.method disabled

Check again:

➜  ugu5ma nmcli connection show --active                                                   
NAME         UUID                                  TYPE  DEVICE 
Fleischele2  8877f4c8-b38d-4028-a71d-b237d8ff649e  wifi  wlp3s0 
